The company that makes SmartTag provides it as a handheld canister for spraying, a gel for door handles and gates, and an automatic trap that sprays the liquid if someone approaches the house or residence.
As a firm that's worked many domestic abuse cases, we think this product could be used throughout the United States and, particularly in Colorado. We see, all too often, that the abuser, normally a man, is usually really good at denying they've been anywhere near the victim and they are also pretty good at getting the court to believe them. With this type of tagging system there would be proof. Of course there would most likely have to be some type of warrant issued to gain access to the clothing that has the tagging material on it, but that's nothing a good investigator should have any trouble getting.
Are you dealing with a case of domestic abuse? Let us help you gather the evidence to make sure your abuser gets all the time in jail they deserve, plus some!
UPDATE!!!! I spoke with the UK manufacturer of this product and they are finalizing a distribution deal with a U.S. company within the next couple of weeks. I'm on the list to gain access to this product asap and will definitely be adding it to our arsenal of investigative tools.
Lee Walters
EXCALIBUR Private Investigation
719.208.4088; 505.208.6400; 803.806.7800
Serving all of Colorado, New Mexico and South Carolina