A thorough background investigation looks for exactly these types of things. Not only should it include a vigorous deep dive into the subject's true name, but any aliases, known and unknown, that the subject could be using. A good background investigation follows the breadcrumbs that lead to finding out everything there is to know including new aliases heretofore not known. Our Colorado Springs background investigators not only search the surface web, which only makes up about 4% of the internet, but also the dark web and the deep web. It takes a special skillset and know-how to investigate the entirety of the internet and our investigators have that.
Let us know if you are preparing to enter into a new business or personal relationship and would like to know if there are any skeletons you should be aware of.
EXCALIBUR Private Investigation
719.208.4088; 505.208.6400; 803.806.7800
Serving all of Colorado, New Mexico and South Carolina